Carmelo Arden Quin Retrospective, 1938 – 2009 at Durban Segnini Gallery, Miami

Miami – From March 21–June 21, Durban Segnini Gallery will be presenting 60 artworks by Master Carmelo Arden Quin, one of the founders of the Madí­ movement, in a retrospective exhibition that comprises the years 1938 to 2009. In this collection of works Arden Quin’s inventions are clearly presented by periods.

Catalog essay written by Raul Santana.

Carmelo Arden Quin Retrospective, 1938 – 2009
Durban Segnini Gallery
3072 SW 38th Ave.
Miami, FL 33146

For more information on the exhibition, click here

For more information on the artist, click here