March 2023, New York – The Juan Carlos Maldonado Art Collection is pleased to announce the loan of the following pieces: Dibujo sin papel 76/7 (1976), V/II (1967) and Dibujo sin papel 85/10 (1985) by Gego (Gertrude Goldschmidt) to the exhibition Gego: Measuring Infinity, cocurated by Pablo León de la Barra and Geaninne Gutiérrez-Guimarães, taking place at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum New York from March 31 to September 10, 2023 and at the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao from November 07, 2023 to February 04, 2024.
Gego: Measuring Infinity was the first major museum retrospective of Gego’s work to be presented in the United States since 2005, offering a fully integrated view of the influential German-Venezuelan artist and her distinctive approach to the language of abstraction. Across five ramps of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum’s rotunda, the chronological and thematic survey featured nearly 200 works from the early 1950s through the early 1990s, including sculptures, drawings, prints, textiles, and artist’s books, alongside photographic images of installations and public works, sketches, publications, and letters.
To learn more about the exhibition at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum New York, click here.
To learn more about the exhibition at the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, click here.
To view or purchase the exhibition catalogue, click here.
Photo: Installation view, Gego: Measuring Infinity, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, March 31–September 10, 2023. Photography by: David Heald © Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, New York.
Left to right: Dibujo sin papel 79/22 (1979), Dibujo sin papel 85/10 (1985), Dibujo sin papel 79/12 (1979), Dibujo sin papel 79/2 (1979).